Preparing for a Building Project
ArchiFACT helps you define and evaluate your project objectives including, where relevant, your business case, sustainability and other parameters or constraints to develop the initial project brief. As experienced architects and surveyors we can assist in the assessment and selection of building sites. Once a site is under consideration we study it, identify further information required and arrange or carry out surveys, etc.
Through skilled studies of feasibilities and benefits we help you determine how best to proceed and prepare the project programme and procurement strategy.
You can rely on our guidance on the formation of a project team, and the scope of services each team member is to perform. When required we can assemble and lead the team for you concluding the contract relationship and design responsibilities for each participant and concluding the appointment documents.
Environmental Assessment
You need not worry over complex European Law; your time is precious enough. Let ArchiFACT's expertise deal with the problems and assist you to obtain the consents you require.
Legislation commonly demands a fundamental assessment of likely direct and indirect effects on the environment arising from large-scale development. ArchiFACT is well versed in the investigative techniques required.
We are able to process the legislation in a cost effective manner to the necessary result and in presenting our findings, we are able to call upon experts in all relevant fields. Financial and legal evaluations of proposals to justify development are an integral part of our service to assist you in the formation of your development strategies.
Site Development
A good understanding of the development process enables a site's potential to be rapidly ascertained. ArchiFACT deals in the practical, the pragmatic and the visual, which we translate through cost controlled design development, into a successful project.
Experienced leadership is vital to well directed design and co-ordinate teamwork. Specialist legal and planning expertise may also be required in complex planning matters and appeals procedures.
Through our master planning commissions, we have developed wide expertise in the design and procurement of high quality commercial schemes on individual sites both in the UK and abroad.